Abdominal Etching & Male Abdominoplasty Before After Photos

Abdominal etching is a liposculpture procedure that transforms a lean or round torso into a v-shaped one. This procedure is usually performed as a day surgery under twilight sedation, but some patients prefer to have it done under full general anaesthesia.

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications. Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.

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Actual before/after photos from Sydney Plastic Surgery Patients.

Before and after a six pack abs surgery and chest liposculpture.
This patient had abdominal etching and pectoral implants.
This patient had a tummy tuck and liposculpture.
Abdominoplasty / Abdominal Etching Before-After
Notice the well defined six-pack created by liposculpture.
The after picture is the patient seven years after having an abdominal etching. This patient has maintained nice results.
This patient underwent a full abdominoplasty and chest liposculpture.
Notice the narrower waist and small belly button.
Some patients prefer a V shape. This can be achieved by liposculpturing the abdomen, hips, and chest to create a V-shaped figure.
This is a natural masculine outcome.
Abdominoplasty / Abdominal Etching Before-After
Abdominal etching
Abdominoplasty and Liposculpture Before and After
Abdominal etching before after
Liposuction - Abdominal Etching
before and after Pectoral implants by Dr Barnouti 230cc textured rectangular anatomical chest implants