Pectoral Implants Before After Photos

Pectoral Implants improve the size and shape of a man’s chest and to enhance the pectoral muscle definition.

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DisclaimerResults vary based on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and adherence to post-surgery care.  Please click here to view our disclaimer.

Actual before/after photos from Sydney Plastic Surgery Patients.

This patient had a pectoral enhancement with implants.
Notice the six-week old scar in the armpit.
This is a patient after receiving a tummy tuck and pectoral implants.
Notice the fullness of the implants at the upper pole. The size of the pectoral implants are proportionate to the rest of his body.
High profile pectoral implants.
Tummy tuck and pectoral implants.
Natural-looking pectoral implants.