Dimple Surgery Sydney
The procedure for creating dimples is actually quite simple and is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. During surgery the skin and the cheek muscle are connected so that when the muscle contracts, it pulls the skin inwards to form a dimple, in exactly the same way as a natural dimple.
Surgical procedure (Dimple Reconstruction)
To create cheek dimples a thin circle of skin is removed from the inside of the cheek. This is done by cutting out a portion of the mucosa (inner cheek skin), the sub-mucosal fat and the cheek muscle using a punch biopsy instrument.

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This area of missing tissue is then stitched together using an absorbable suture. The stitch goes through the cheek muscle on one side of the circle of missing tissue, then through the dermis layer of the skin and back through the cheek muscle on the other side of the circle. A surgical knot is tied, and a dimple is created, even when not smiling.
Within a week or two, as the suture absorbs, the cheek will flatten out and the dimple will disappear (when not smiling). However, as scarring occurs inside the cheek, the muscle will connect to the skin and create a dimple when you smile.
Hospital Admission
Out Patient procedure. No admission necessary.
Duration of operation
One to three hours
Local anaesthesia
What are the risks associated with this procedure?
Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.
Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.
Pre Operative Care
Before surgery please inform your surgeon of any allergies, all medical conditions, and medication you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription). You should also not smoke for 2 weeks before surgery as smoking can affect your reaction to the anaesthetic and slow down the healing process. Patients who suffer from hypertension must inform the surgeon before surgery. To eliminate the chance of post-op. bleeding you should avoid aspirin and any medication containing aspirin or brufen for two weeks before surgery.
Post Operative Care
You may return to normal activities straight after the procedure.
In the first few months, you should regularly rinse your mouth with Betadine oral antiseptic solution or Bactidol (chlorhexidine) solution, and the surgeon may prescribe antibiotics.